Lise Sarfati

Lise Sarfati
Images de la jeunesse américaine vues par la photographe française Lise Sarfati.

This series represents one of those rare experiences for photographers that is impossible to simulate or confidently repeat, where the photographs almost – just – happened. Sarfati did not overtly choreograph her young subjects and, instead, was carried by her own adage that by creating, she was exploring and understanding them. While her presence acted upon these young people, she also created the psychological space for them, in turn, to act upon her and to act up – or down – for the camera.

[merci Anne-Sophie]


  1. Dear gatsu gatsu, I’ve discovered your blog 1 week ago and I’m so surprised to notice that you like the same things I love. I live in Milano but last week-end I was in Paris to have a look to Paris-Photo… and to Michal Rovner exibition (super!). Some of my favourite pictures were the one of Lise Sarfati but I love also many others like or Carla van de Puttelaar… I’ll keep on reading your blog, it’s great !!!! Un abbraccio, Francesca

  2. Hello Francesca,

    Thanks for the kind comments. It’s too bad i was working here during Paris-Photo. The list of the artists was interesting. I didn’t knew about Michal Rovner but i really like his work.
    I’m also a big fan of Nazif Topçuo?lu and i’m wondering why i haven’t put a link to his work on GG. I’m going to correct this error…
    See you around Francesca.

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