the Daily Show with Jon Stewart

daily show
Si vous traînez sur le web anglophone, vous devez connaître the daily show l’émission de la chaîne américaine comedy central animée par Jon Stewart. Cette sorte de faux journal analysant l’actualité quotidienne a un immense succès aux Etats-Unis. L’émission est devenue une institution, au même titre que les Guignols en France lorsqu’ils étaient au sommet de leur gloire. Jon Stewart est maintenant un personnage avec un véritable poids politique et médiatique. Son passage dans la vénérable émission crossfire de CNN a été très remarqué et a hâté la suppression de ce show politique.
Les émissions du Daily Show sont disponibles un peu partout au format torrent. Mais si vous ne courrez pas après une image de haute qualité ou que vous voulez juste vous faire une idée sur le show, le blog On Lisa Rein’s radar héberge de nombreux clips de l’émission au format Quicktime.
Lorsque ce ne sont pas des références politiques américano-américaines totalement incompréhensibles c’est souvent assez hilarant…


  1. Merci pour l’info !
    J’ai regardé le programme, l’émission passe sur CNN le dimanche de 11h30 à 12h30…
    Oups ! rectification : c’est l’heure GMT, l’émission passe donc de 12h30 à 13h30.

  2. In the year 1999, several of us in Minneapolis, MN started a Web site urging Oprah to run for president and enlisting volunteers to help her. In 2003, Patrick Crowe, a man who ran a car wash in Kansas City, MO began a similar effort using more traditional media. Although our efforts failed in those years, we all became convinced that not only should Oprah run for this post in 2008, but that she can almost certainly win. In fact, we even believe that she could be elected President of the entire world, if there were such a thing. Such is her popularity and name recognition both here and abroad. This is enormously important in these perilous times.

    What makes us think so? For one thing, the response to our efforts was instantly rewarded with a flood of volunteers, ready and willing to do whatever it takes to get this noble woman into the White House. Patrick’s efforts similarly revealed a gigantic ground swell of interest in Oprah as President. Both our camps have been deluged with inquiries about how this can be done. Patrick even wrote and published a book on the subject.

    I note that you have spoken of Oprah favorably in the past. You might consider interviewing Mr. Crowe. With the possible exception of the Internet, he is very media savvy, has a strong personality and makes an excellent subject for interviews. His email address is He is dedicating much of his fortune and all his time to this project and will go wherever he needs to go to advance the cause.

    In any case, visit our Web site at and see what we are up to.

    Willy Chaplin
    Oprah for President – 2008

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